Friday, July 1, 2011

The Balloon Man (a.k.a. Uncle Blake)

Blake surprised us by coming up with his girlfriend, Stephanie, for a quick visit. When we told the kids that Uncle Blake was coming Jakes reply was "THE BALLOON MAN!" Conveniently I had already arranged a play-date with the cousins for that day! So, yesterday afternoon when he and Stephanie arrived all the kids said a quick hello and then requested some balloons!

Abigail and her red dog, C.C. and a pink pig, Jake and a gray lion, Benny and a blue bunny, and Tess with a pink dog.

After Bonnie and kids left Dan and Blake went to work in the kitchen making a very yummy dinner! (BBQ chicken and pork ribs, mashed potatoes, salad, and corn on the cob.) We had a fun evening visiting and then I awoke to the wonderful smell of a hot breakfast being cooked! Blake and Stephanie made homemade biscuits and sausage gravy, a true Southern stick to your bones breakfast.
After breakfast we had some more balloon time!
Up Close
Tess got a bouncy ball in a twist (just like those fun gum-ball machines, the ball swirls up and down).
Blake made a basket ball stand and little balls for the three kids.
Abigail got a silly hat
Blake made me an extra silly hat, complete with a bouncy ball inside the clear balloon ring!
I didn't get a close up of  Jake with his AWESOME  bow and arrow and ring except for these two...

Jacob thinks his is the coolest thing EVER and was pretty sad not to be able to take it to show it off to all the Scouts tonight at Scout Camp. Blake is very talented. 

After letting our bellies rest from breakfast we headed to the park. Abby really took to her Uncle Blake! When it was time for Blake and Stephanie to go Abby kept saying " Wanna come, I wanna come!" It was so good to see Blake and meet Stephanie. We hope to see them again soon, and not just because I thoroughly enjoyed not cooking and having my kids happily entertained!  

1 comment:

Lin Ryals said...

I forgot that your blog went private -- it no longer pops up on my blog roll so I am incredibly behind. I just sat here and read a few pages of blog posts and cannot believe how big, adorable and precious your children are. :) I sure do miss your family! HUGS!!!