Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a whirlwind

my life these days!

I started homeschooling Tess.  
Isn't she the cutest student ever!

It is going to take me a while to work out all the kinks in this whole homeschooling thing. A couple of frustrations right now, well really just two:
1. Curriculum. After talking to friends and doing the best I could in researching online what was available, also considering the cost, I ordered books. Once I read over said books I found that I needed more books to even use said books.  
2. Abby, my second "kink". Last week started with me trying to homeschool with Abby awake and wanting my attention. Clearly that won't work. Luckily I have rearranged our schedule and now Tess will be going to preschool in the morning, rather than the afternoon during Abby's nap time. So, I have 2 hours in the afternoon to completely focus on homeschooling Tess while my blondee catches her beauty sleep. 

Yes- those are panties on my baby, not so much a baby anymore! And yes- we are total rednecks letting her play outside wearing just that.  (Dan and I were out cleaning the car for an entire 3 hours last Saturday!)
In August Abby initiated the whole potty-training thing. Since she is barely two I was hesitant to really go all out and potty-train her thinking she was still to young. She has been really consistent so I decided we'd give it a good weeks effort.  She has had a couple of accidents but really she is doing great.  She even stayed dry for 2 hours in nursery on Sunday. (Dan, serving as 1st and 2nd counselor in the Bishopric right now, was running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to keep up with everything and didn't have a chance to take her to the bathroom.) 

Dan is away on a business trip this week. The NRC keeps him busy and happy however, he is always looking and applying to new jobs in areas a bit more economical/house friendly for us. 
True to the way my parents raised me,  I am grateful to have a husband who loves the Lord and serves Him to the best that he can. These days that means that most nights are spent doing church related things whether he is at home or at our church building. Oh, and he is also training for a half marathon. 

So yes, we are in constant motion these days!


Anie said...

Cutest pic of Tess and LOVE the one of Abby on the bike! Her hair is SO adorable! I am super impressed with her potty skills! Don't give up whatever you do. She's got it! :)

Chaoyi said...

Hey - I got in!!
Abby is way too cute, as always.
And your husband is so great to work with. Thanks Becky, for supporting him.