Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break

We had a very low key Spring break this year since Tess still couldn't get around very easily and I needed to "take it easy". We stayed home but did some fun things each day.

Dying eggs with our cousins

Playing with friends
Jake and Agustin
Agustin is in Jake's 1st grade class and they are best buddies! Jake laughed the entire time they were together.

Abby's reaction to seeing Wesley McKinstry at the park...I was laughing while taking this picture.

Easter Egg Hunt with Friends

Abby was so excited after opening her first egg and finding candy inside! 
I put an egg up in one of the trees...I was proud to see Jake climbing the tree going after it!

In the time it took took Tess to hobble over and pick up one egg all the eggs were collected. She was pretty disappointed and I felt really bad for not staying with her and helping her. So I promised her another egg hunt later that week.

Easter weekend Bonnie and James blessed Samuel. On Friday Hollie and Cris came to stay with us while Grandma and Grandpa Larry stayed at the Warners. We had a great time with Hollie and Cris! We took the kids to the park Saturday morning, then headed to Red Robin for lunch, and ended the day with a bon-fire at Little Bennett with everyone.  As soon as we got to the camp ground I took off hiding easter eggs for the kids. This time Tess was very successful!

Grandma had the kids laughing so hard! 

Sunday we hosted Easter dinner. It was fun to extend our table all the way to fit 10 adults around it!
Per request of Donna-- here is a lovely picture of my rather large belly at 28 weeks,  Hollie at 31 weeks, and sweet six week old baby Samuel. (I am carrying this girl soooo low, can ya tell!!!)

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