Monday, May 24, 2010

Abigail is 9 months!

20lb 4oz and 27 inches
Abby is such a happy baby! I can't imagine our family, or a day, without her. She says mama and dada now (mostly dada, and she definitely knows who that title belongs to!). She is the biggest wiggle worm ever! Sacrament meeting is a wrestling match (a fun one though:). It is hard to get her to hold still long enough to change her diaper let alone dress her. She has figured out how to undo her diaper (so she rarely gets to be in just a diaper). She is pretty content to sit and watch her older sister and brother play.
We all love to play with her:

Her first time in D.C. She was great all day, content to sit and take it all in.

She is always getting LOVE from her big sister

She is getting pretty good at feeding herself, even slippery bananas:

She is cutting her two bottom teeth right now ( LOTS of slobbery kisses).

She can scoot on her back just about anywhere she wants to go. Dan and I are truly entertained watching her little mind work as she tilts her head to see where she wants to go and then scoots on her back or rolls in the right direction. This last week she started to rock on her hands and knees...oh boy.
She loves her tubby time.

Lastly, this is one thing I am love, love, loving about Abby... When music comes on (including my cell phone ringing) she starts "dancing"! With a huge grin she starts to bob her head, her torso goes back and forth and her arms go up and down. I love it! I can't help but hope she will be like her mama and love music and dancing.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


BIG NEWS: Jake got glasses this week!

What a cute BIG boy!

Jacob just had his preschool graduation. I can hardly believe that my baby boy starts KINDERGARTEN in September. I am so proud of him!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Favorite recent pictures:

My adorable Abigail!

I love this round face, big blue eyes, and dimple chin!
So kissable!

Sweet Sisters!

Fun garage sale finds!

Tess LOVES animals, stuffed and real. This horse was a great, cheap, find! I need to post a video of her riding it, it is hilarious.

Jacob loves the hill behind our house, he loves riding down it that is!

I am so lucky to have happy, healthy, adorable kids!