7lb 7oz and 19.5inches long
Clara's birth story:
I had been having really intense contractions for weeks, frequent but not close enough together to put me into active labor. The baby was VERY low and I felt a ton of pressure constantly. My doctors thought baby Clara would have come sooner and whole lot faster than she did. It just goes to show, every pregnancy is different and I really can't plan it. Or can I...
My due date was July 1. For several reasons, I was set to be induced by Dr. Helmbrect on the 25th of June but Frederick Memorial Hospital was booked until Thursday. So, Dr. Martin would be inducing me on Thursday, June 28th, if Clara hadn't come by then. I really didn't want patocin, been there done that. I prayed hard that she would come on her own but I was so anxious about how to take care of the kids and get to the hospital in time. Really, I thought I'd have less time than with Abby, who was born about an hour and a half after speeding to the hospital. With Dan working an hour away, 3 kids, and the unknown traffic I was worried about it. Dan and I talked through all scenarios and tried to have a plan for whatever happened. I really wanted that epideral before it was too intense.
Grandma Barnhurst and Grandpa Larry decided to come up. They arrived on Wednesday at about 530pm. Ironically I was having hard contractions 10 to 6 minutes a part and getting closer. I thought perhaps they had arrived just in time. With it being rush hour traffic time I went to lay down and continued timing contractions. At 730 they went to 15 minutes apart and I got up and visited with Donna and Larry before heading to bed. We were to call Frederick Hospital at 6am to confirm that they were ready for us and then head on up. Well, Heavenly Father answered my prayers! I got about 3 hours of sleep that night and awoke with really painful, LOW, contractions at 3am. I timed them at 15 minutes apart for the first hour. Than they went to 8, 6, and 4 minutes apart lasting almost 2 minutes. I woke Dan at 5am and told him we weren't going to be needing patocin! We were at the hospital just before 6am.
The nurse checked me right away, I was only at a 3. However, she told us that when I "went" it would be fast, due to how low she was. They started my IV and we waited. At the 7 am the shift changed and we got a new labor/delivery nurse, Meredith. She was great! She had two young kids of her own, and was very positive and supportive. Dan and I enjoyed talking with her. At about 8am I was checked again. I wasn't any further along, with contractions steadily coming at 5 minutes apart. I was really frustrated having such hard contractions, only 5 minutes apart, yet not progressing at all. I really thought this labor would be fast. The nurse told me that it was common to have the fluids slow down contractions a bit. Dr. Martin came in and discussed our options. He was really sweet. I told him I just wanted to get this over with!!! He said he'd do whatever I wanted. I knew I wanted an epideral and the anistesiologist was just starting a C-section. We decided that I would walk around for a while and then once I got my epideral Dr. Martin would break my water. I walked, the contractions came closer together but I still was at a 3.
The Anesthesiologist came in at 10 am. Dr. Johnson was a really chatty, hilarious doctor, not what I have experienced in the past with Aneshtesiologists. He and Dan hit it off right away. I accidently hit the TV button on as I was getting in position for my epidural. Rachel Ray was immediately interrupted with breaking news of the Supreme Courts decision on President Obama's Health Care Plan. They voted to bankrupt the country. It was really interesting to be in the hospital and get the immediate reaction of the nurse and Anesthesiologist. They were both visibly upset by the decision. Dr. Johnson said he and his friends would be done soon, that it just wasn't worth it.
Anyway, this was the first time I really felt the epideral going in, since my contractions were still 5 minutes apart. Ouch. Within a few minutes I was feeling very numb, heavy and sleepy! Awesome! The nurse made the comment that I looked "stoned" and explained that there is a narcotic in the medicine and everyone reacts differently. Dr. Martin came in and broke my water around 11 am.
I slept! It was fantastic.
At about 2 pm I woke up starting to feel the contractions and noticed how frequent they were. I pushed my sweet little epidural button for a boost of medicine and called the nurse in. She checked me and said I was at an 8. Within about 10 minutes I felt the urge to bare-down and knew my baby girl was coming! Sure enough, Dr. Martin came in, I pushed twice and she was out! It was the easiest delivery I have had!
I didn't watch the delivery but remember the surreal feeling when I opened my eyes after she was out and saw her sweet little arm reaching up as Dr. Martin cut the umbilical chord. I asked the nurse to clean her up before handing her to me, the narcotics made me nauseous when I lifted my head and I needed to relax. Dan immediately went to Clara. The nurses excitedly told us she had red hair! She is a perfect little miracle!
Grandma and Grandpa Larry
Clara's ready yo go home!!!
(above by Jake below by Tess)
I feel so blessed to not only have such a perfectly healthy baby to hold but I also know that the Lord took care of me through this labor/delivery experience. All my anxiety over what to do with the kids was taken care of thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Larry. I went into active labor without patocin. Dan drove me to Frederick with absolutely no traffic. I got my epidural and actually slept! And she came within the 2 contractions of pushing. I am so grateful to have had such a great ending to this pregnancy.
Oh Becky, what a great story!! I loved reading this post! Thanks for sharing! And what a beautiful, perfect little Clara. Love the name and I love her red hair!!!! I bet Tess was beyond excited! Does Clara look like Tess did as a baby? SO excited for you and your family! Hope you're getting some rest and having a good recovery! Miss you tons! lots of love, Anie
YAAAAAAYY!! Congratulations! Isn't it great to not be pregnant anymore? Does your ice cream taste better? Your music sound sweeter? Your sleep more restful? I felt like everything was 10 times better just because I wasn't pregnant anymore, after Abby. Will we get to see you guys soon? Are you staying in the DC area? We were thinking of planning a trip up there with our kids in the next year or two to
She is beautiful! I know the kids are already loving her. We miss you but want you to remember to take care of yourself.
Contests to the whole family!
hey, maybe our little girls will be roommates their freshman year at byu. :D
She is beautiful! How fun to have another red head! So glad everything worked out well with traffic, babysitters and having Dan nearby. Hope the adjustment to being a family of SIX is going well. Wow, can you really believe you're now a family of six?! Clara Ann is a beautiful name and even though out birthdays are apart by one day I still think 6.28.12 makes for a great birth date - all even numbers!
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