Friday, December 5, 2008

Warm Fuzzies

After a very embarrassing moment this past Thanksgiving weekend I now have a swollen, purple knuckle on one of my fingers. Today I took the kiddos to a well-visit check up where Jake got 3 shots. He was a brave little guy and was excited about his snoopy band-aids! About an hour after our appointment Jake had a "SURPRISE" for me. He had taken off his 3 snoopy band-aids to give to my would help the "ugly finger" go away. What a sweet little guy. It is moments like this that I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing of being a mommy. Just had to share.


The Dragonfly said...

that is tender. sometimes we get those tender mercies as moms to keep us remembering what it's all about and why we're doing it.

now, you need to tell us the embarrassing story that resulted in the big ugly finger/knuckle! :)

c'mon, you know you want to.

Unknown said...

Yes! I want to hear the story, too! What a sweet thing for Jake to do for his mommy!

Paul said...

Yeah... I want to hear the embarassing story too!! =)

Marianne said...

how sweet. Love little boys and their tender hearts:)

NKC Crossfit Nutrition said...

This message is for Dan. I was trying to figure out how to get a hold of you, I don't have your phone number. Anyways, REI has their garage sale tomorrow, and though I am crazy busy, I was going to try and swing by in between appointments that we have to find a backpack.

We'll have to go to the next one. Let me know.

Mamafamilias said...

Moms get all the best presents.

Loved it.