Saturday, October 24, 2009

2 Month Update

Abigail is 2 months old today (12 lb 3 oz, in the 85th% for length, the doctor said she was the size of about a 4 month old)! Though I enjoy how small and cuddly she is I admit I am counting down the weeks to solid foods in hopes that the colic will disappear! Yes, another colicky baby. I have cut out all dairy and chocolate in my diet but haven't noticed much of a change in her fussiness. I wish there was more I could do to help her feel well and happy!

As for a routine, we don't have one. In the past 2 months Jacob and Tess have been sick 3 times and Abby twice. (Just bad colds, thankfully not the flu.) Once all of Abigail's congestion is gone then I will try to sleep train! Depending on how her stomach is (how gassy she is) she will eat anywhere from ever 1 and 1/2 to 3 hours. She always calms down while I change her diaper, I change her diaper ALOT! :) She has her happy times and is starting to smile a little and coo. It is adorable! Jacob and Tess light up when she is happy and love to talk to her.

Jacob--- Abigail loves Jacob! He can be a great help-- bouncing her in her seat, talking to her, putting the pacifier in ect.

Jacob loves preschool and his teachers are always so complimentary of his sweet spirit. The words I hear the most from Jake these days are, "Mom, can we go OUTSIDE?" He loves to be out playing and I am thankful for the fabulous weather we have had (amidst the rainy days)! Jake loves to ride his bike down the hill behind our home. He does it over and over and over again! (He has already worn out the soles on his shoes I bought a month ago.)

Tess--- Abigail loves to take baths with Tess and Tess loves being the big sister!

Tess says some of the funniest things. Yesterday morning she came into our room, bright and cheery like she always is, and told us about her dream. Apparently an alligator ate her kitty but that was okay because her doggy ate the alligator! I really need to record her! She says everything with so much energy and excitement!

The hardest part about having a fussy baby this time is that ALL my attention goes to Abigail. I am grateful when Jake and Tess play well together. It is hard on them to not get out as much as we use to and to rarely get my full, undivided attention. That is were Dan comes to the rescue! Dan is such an amazing Dad, there is no room for improvement!! My kids are SOOOOO lucky to have such a fun adoring and attentive daddy! Jacob and Tess run to him the moment he comes home and then he is their entertainment for the rest of the night. I could no do this without him!

Dan playing with Abigail


The Dragonfly said...

She may be colicky, but she sure is cute! Hang in there Becky. You're doing great.

tylerandmommy said...

YAY for an update! Between being so busy and being sick, I feel like I never see you anymore. Let me know if you need anything!

Karen said...

I can attest to her cuteness!!! It was so so so fun to hold Abigail during Sunday School, Becky--did Dan tell you I got her to sleep? Thanks for letting me help. I look forward to it :o)

Anie said...

Wow!!! It's been WAY too long since I've seen you guys! Abigail is getting SO BIG! makes me sad though- cause I think I've only seen her once, and Elle seemed HUGE in comparison! We gotta get together SOON!!! That stinks that things have been so crazy for you. I don't know what I'd do with a colicky baby. All my sisters kids were colicky and she said she about lost her mind! Elle was super fussy her first month and that was hard enough. Hopefully Abby's starting to settle down. It was after Elle turned two months that life started to get better and Elle fell into a schedule. I want to hear how everything else is going for you! Let me know what day works for you to get together! I wanted to check before heading on over! :)

Kim Breinholt said...

Becky, sorry Abigail is so colicky! That's funny that she likes having her diaper changed--does she stay happy if you just leave it off?!

Hang in there!