Dan found the perfect farm to go do our pumpkin pick'n and have a ton of fun! Gavers Tree Farm is in beautiful Mt.Airy and worth the $5 admission!
A "corn" box! The kids loved playing in this!
Our little harvest girl with the pumpkin colored hair!
They had lots of different animals to feed and pet. Evidently rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk...lucky for us we got to see them play tag!
Tess LOVES animals and wasn't at all hesitant to pet them.
JOHN DEER trike race track!
They had a fun "kid" corn maze as well as this adult corn maze.
Abigail enjoyed the evening in the baby bjorn.
The slides were the BEST part! This video cracks me up...Dan and I enjoyed going down these slides as well.
We did pick out pumpkins though I don't have any pictures of that! It was a beautiful farm. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and loved that we had the place to ourselves!! (we went on a weekday
How FUN Becky! Ive never heard of that place! If ONLY i lived there! Abigail is SO sweet! Im sad Im not there to see her in person!
What a fun outing!! Good for you that you're out with your family. And Abigail's picture from her blessing day is beautiful! Love you guys!
Great job with all the fun family activities. You're amazing parents!
That looks like a lot of fun! We hit up Butler's Orchard again...a little more money, but we had family to help pay...hee hee. I can't wait to see your carved pumpkins!
I'm dying to get out and go to a pumpkin farm! I'll have to tell Spencer about this place. We didn't want to pay the $10 at Butler's- $5 is much more reasonable! It's looks like tons of fun! The tricky part is now finding a time when we're all together as a family (and it's not bedtime:)! I'm SO tired of Saturday meetings!
YOu and I need to get together and hang out one of these days. Let me know when your girls are feeling better. How are you surviving btw?? Having sick kids is always so exhausting! Let me know if you need help with ANYTHING!
Oh, and i LOVED all the blessing pictures! DId you do it when you were in SC visiting?
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