Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Abigail is Four Months Old!

Today was Abigail's four month check-up. As I listened to a newborn cry in the doctors office today I realized that my LITTLE baby is not so little anymore (at least her cry isn't)! I enjoyed my time with just Abby since Dan took the day off and stayed home with Jake and Tess. Abby is right on target with all of her milestones. She is a whopping 15.4 lbs and 24 inches long. She smiles, talks alot, and is able to hold on to toys and play with them more now. She loves to stand!

Notice the burp cloth...they are pretty much attached to her constantly!
Abigail can be so serious and very observant. She could win a stare down contest with anyone. I love to watch her eyes as she watches Jake and Tess, the are so intense. I can tell she is itching to join right in the fun. She has a special connection with Jake. She has laughed only a couple of times, tonight was one of those times. Jake was being silly and Abby just laughed and laughed... we were all in awe of his ability.

I started her on rice cereal about 2 weeks ago and she is doing great. It has helped with the spitting up a bit but not with sleeping better at night!

Her first time out in the snow...she didn't last long.

This hat made us laugh--a bit big eh!!

1 comment:

The Dragonfly said...

She is such a cutie! Glad we got to see her and YOU!