Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prep-ing for the Holidays

Before Aimee and Liz came we worked on Tess's BED frame. Jake loved the sanding part of it...he worked REALLY hard! (Notice that doggy was helping right along side Tess.)
Tess loved the painting part. She still has paint in her hair!

Also, Jake had his preschool Christmas program. I thoroughly enjoyed being the proud parent! He sang along with his teachers and classmates like a pro, was sweet and shy when it was his turn to take part in the Christmas story, and loved making gingerbread houses with his friends.

The weekend before Aimee and Liz flew in we had a fun snow storm that cancelled Sunday church and shut down the government on Monday (equals day off for Dan!). This storm left a beautiful winter wonderland and lots of fun family time.

After the snow stopped....

Lots of this....


Josh said...
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Dan and Bec said...

Just have to say that that husband of yours is awesome !!!-

Signed, your husband.

Lin Ryals said...

I was about to say that I am jealous bc you got snow but then I saw how much it was and decided --- naw, I'll stick w/ my brown grass. haha! Glad you guys had fun though. ;)

Allison said...

It's been snowing constantly in Provo and I love it! Fun with the kiddos! Abigail is a doll, I cannot wait to meet her. Good luck with sleep time! HOpe she gives you a break.

Mamafamilias said...

Thanks for the pictures and update! Hope you had a great Christmas (tell, tell about the new camera I've heard about).

Andrew said...

I concur with your husband's comment. Only... whatever he meant by that? :)

Unknown said...

Your family is so cute! I can't believe Abigail is 4 months old! Wow- time goes by so fast! So much snow! Glad you're all doing well!