Thursday, September 2, 2010

Breinholt Field Day

Aimee and Liz were put in charge of a field day for the kids while the men spent the day at Ben's family ranch to 4wheel and shoot guns. It was a perfect day for playing hard!
Sack Race

Beth, Tess, and Ashley

3Legged Race

Aimee and Jake
Suzanne and Tess

Liz and Elise
Mom and Beth
Andrew and Kim win the race
Water-balloon Volleyball

Stephanie is sooo much fun!

Duck Duck SQUISH

Ashley squishing Aimee

Andrew squishing Liz
This little guy is the cutest ever. Nathan found a water balloon that happened to have a hole in it and joined in the game spraying people with complete delight! Ken only speaks Chinese to him, it is so cute to hear his little voice speaking Chinese!

Turns out my Abby, we have two Abby's in the family, doesn't like the feel of grass! So, I was able to put her on Kim's blanket and she stayed put the entire time! Ahhhh, I could actually go play, it was perfect!!
We also played crab soccer with a huge ball and had a water balloon toss/fight. It was a lot of fun. Thanks Aimee for your awesome teaching skilz!

1 comment:

The Dragonfly said...

All the reunion pictures are so much fun! Love to see happy Breinholt people together laughing and smiling!