Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of Pre-K

Friday was Tess's first day of preschool. After dropping off and picking up Jake for a year and a half at Damascus Community Preschool it is finally her turn! She has missed her playmate sooo much since kindergarten started! She wasn't the least bit nervous and gave her teachers a big hug when we walked in. When I picked her up she was all smiles and excitedly told me "Mommy, I didn't even get in time-out!" I later found out that listening to your teachers is one of the tid-bits of advice Jake had given her when they had their talk on the top bunk on his first day of school. Jake was very proud of her too!

We love DCP and are so grateful for their kindness and love they show our kids!


Anonymous said...

That was good advice. Listen to your teachers!

Amy McArthur said...

aww... I can't believe they're so big!