Saturday, September 4, 2010


The week after the reunion Dan had to be in California for training. So, we had the great idea of asking my mom and sisters to watch the kids so I could go out with him! Dan's training was in Sacramento. This was his first time back since his mission and my very first time in California. We spent the first night driving around Sacramento so Dan could show me his mission.
Sacramento Temple (which was built at the site of one of the chapels Dan served in.)
The next day we headed to San Francisco. We found our hotel and then headed to the Wharf. This was a very touristy place with lots of entertainers on the street. The best part, Ghiradelli chocolate! That night we went to WICKED! It was a perfect day!

Check out crazy tinfoil man, we had to take a picture when he wasn't looking!
The next day we went to China-town. I felt like I was in Shanghai! My stomach is a bit sensitive when it comes to the sight and smells of all the food! (apparently these signs say "stop taking my picture tourist", in chinese.)

We found parking to be scarce downtown... here's an example of someone's creative parking job.
The way the cars were parked was crazy...I expected them to go tumbling like logs at any second! Of course we had to drive the crazy winding Lombard street.
We spent some time in Muir Woods hiking around the huge trees.

This was my favorite spot, after seeing WICKED that is. We ate at a restaurant on the cliff and then walked along the beach. (See the pretty white rock behind us, I thought it was pretty until Dan told my WHY it was white over supper...bird poop, YUM!)
I touched the pacific...

My first time in CA was great...though I didn't expect to be wearing a jacket at the beginning of August! Just a side note for all you Californians, We made it a point to go to IN N OUT Burger so we could tell everybody how overrated it was...however, it was great.


Sonja said...

How fun. I love San Fran. I recognized all the places you were and have ate at that resturant. Thanks for taking me down memory lane. Sounds like you had so much fun.

Mamafamilias said...

I am LOVING your trip posts. Your family looks like the most fun.

Wasn't WICKED fantastic. It came to Durham in May and I loved, loved, loved it.

Can't wait to read more. (Sorry I don't leave comments much these days - I've gotten really slack about that. I really enjoyed reading and hearing about Jacob's first day of school).

Beck said...

Looks like fun and its always nice to have a little get away with just the two of you. I am jealous you hiked timp. That is one of my goals to accomplish soon. Especially now seeing those pictures makes me want to really get it done sooner then later!

The Pickled Red Herring said...

OH MY GOSH how FUNNNN!!!! I want to go on a trip without kids! I can't wait to hear about more of your adventures! Also I didn't see you at all today? Were you gone?

Celeste@MomBodFitness said...

Love, Love, Love all your posts! Such good pictures and adventures!

Chaoyi said...

In N Out burgers are a bit overrated, however, their fries are great.

yes, Chinese people can smell disgusting... :)