Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Happy Birthday on Thanksgiving...

Six years ago Dan and I decided not to go to the beach to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and ended the day with a beautiful baby boy, Jacob.

We started his special day off right...
Here is what happened when Dan sat down to help Jake build with Legos. Everyone wants Daddy!
We watched a bit of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and made Jacob's birthday cake amongst all the dinner preparations. This year I wanted to try a new recipe for the turkey, Alton Brown's recipe that a bunch of friends recommended. One of the steps in cooking the turkey was to roast it at 500 degrees. Well our fire alarm kept going off. So, for the entire 30 minutes we had to do this...

All windows were open and we fanned the alarms with pillows. Poor Abby had quite a rude awakening from a very short nap!

The Warner family joined us for dinner and a fun cousins sleepover.
Dan "conquered" the turkey!
Jake's birthday festivities continued into Friday morning at CHUCKY CHEESE...squeels of delight as we turned into the parking lot. Jake was grinning from ear to ear the entire morning.

Happy 6th Birthday my sweet little man! We love you so much!


Cara said...

Oh wow, look what I started with the legos! ;)

Mamafamilias said...

Happy Birthday to Jacob!

I remember our trip to the beach while you were having a baby and getting the good news.

And thanks for posting pictures of Bonnie's children - I haven't seen the baby. So glad y'all could all be together.

Love you all!