Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letters to Santa

I just wanted to document the kids letters to Santa this year. Jake did his completely on his own; I love how he sounds out his words! Tess told me what to write for her letter to Santa. We have a cute felt envelop addressed to Mr. Santa that we put on the Christmas tree and on the night of December 5th (which is when St.Nicholas comes in Germany) one of Santa's elves comes to pick up their letter. Jake checks every morning to see if his letter is gone yet!

Jacob: Dear Santa,
I want a glownuh the dark litesabrh

Tess: Dear Santa,
I want a walking pet, not a real one but just a pretend.
I gave Daddy hugs and kisses when he came back from anything so,
I've been a good girl. Oh, and I want a fire truck with Blueberry,
so Strawberry Shortcake has a friend.
Have fun at the North Pole. We will make some cookies to surprise you!!!!

P.S. Abby has broken 4 ornaments so far, the tree has been decorated for a grand total of TWO days!! I thought we put the ornaments up high enough. One day I will have a beautiful (evenly) decorated tree, but for now I am enjoying a tree that is partially decorated.
P.S.S. I love Christmas! And I LOVE being a parent of small kids at Christmas!!!

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