Monday, June 6, 2011

Mr. Man

Jacob is approaching his last week of kindergarten! It has been a good year for him. He is so excited to be a "grader". This morning he was thrilled to go to school just with his dad for "donuts with Dad". I know there just might come a day when he isn't as thrilled to be with his parents at school as he is today so I thought I'd document just how fantastic it feels as a parent! I love that he wants me to walk him to the front door of school every day. I love that he ALWAYS stops and wait for me to help him get his book bag on, give him a hug and kiss, tell him I love him send him on his way. I love that most days he gives his sisters a good bye hug too.

A couple weeks ago we went the big Pizza Premier at Jakes school. All the kindergarten classes worked for weeks drawing pizza, writing down lists of ingredients, learning about persuasive writing, then writing their own commercials, and video taping each child's commercial. Jake decided he wanted to do a fruit pizza, he liked the idea of a cookie crust and frosting! Jake picked out his clothes that day, belt and all, and I got him some new glasses for his red carpet walk! Each of the kids had a turn being introduced by Mrs. T, strut'n their stuff down the red carpet and posing quickly before turning to sit down. ( I didn't get the picture in time, Jake crossed his arms and ended all tough looking! It surprised me that he had to courage to do that in front of so many!)

Jacob still wears his patch (over the right eye) for 2 hours a day. He is so great about it. He doesn't complain and can put the patch on his glasses all by himself. I am so grateful for his good attitude!

Recently he has taken more interest in how he looks. One day before school I was amused just watching him decide to tuck his shirt in and then he ran and put on his belt. The grin he gave me when he came to show me how handsome he was was filled with so much pride.

In the car one day Jake sang us a song, it went like this, "This is a mom's song, mom's are great, mom's are better than chocolate cake..." Dan and I were impressed and told him so, he replied "I rememberized it".

He is such a good kid with a big heart. He loves responsibility and really responds well when Dan and I talk to him like a big kid explaining and asking for his help with things (ie. his sisters). He is becoming more independent and adventurous. I think he will really progress this summer in some of the things that have scared him in the past (ie. swimming, riding his bike). We love our little (almost 7 yrs. old) man!


Amy McArthur said...

aawww!! Now I miss him even more. What a kid.

Anie said...

Even though I already know what an AMAZING kid Jacob is, it's fun to read about all the cute things he does and says! Thanks for sharing! :)

Mamafamilias said...

I love his Mom song!