This year everyone had yarn to follow and treasure to find (even Jake and Tess, which they loved!!) My 12 clue hunt (thanks Dan!) led me outside, across the street, and into the garage of our friends to find (drum roll please).....a TREADMILL! Yipee! Aimee, Grandma, and Liz had to show off their talents in order to get some of their presents. ( Don't worry you three, I won't include the video of you sining and doing the "can-can":)
We had a fabulous Christmas and are so thankful for Grandma Barnhurst, Aunt Lizzie, and Aunt Aimee! We hope you come again next year!!!
Four years ago today I thought Dan and I would be enjoying a peaceful Thanksgiving day watching the parade and enjoying yummy food with family. I thought the “indigestion” I had been feeling was due to the Greek fast food we had eaten the night before!! Nope, Jake was on his way!! The day did not turn out the way I had planned... I still feel a little frustration boil when I think about the doctor relaxing on a chair in our delivery room talking about her Thanksgiving meal while I was pushing for over an hour and a half (help me women!)!!! But finally my little boy was born---four weeks early! I am so grateful for my little turkey!
Jacob has had a fun 4th birthday so far! Due to the craziness of the holiday season we had his birthday party this last weekend. We made gingerbread houses with candy galore, played the M&M game, ate even more sugar with a candle on top, and went on a treasure hunt!! (All the Breinholt-now-Barnhurst traditions!) Jacob and Tess are still on a sugar high!
For his birthday he finally got the water bottle he has been wanting for months and months (how funny is that!) He has loved all of his birthday cards and has thanked me over and over for his special birthday!!
Jacob is such a smart and cute little boy (with his grandpa’s dimpled chin!). His round face is so full of expression when he talks! He loves to help me and make me happy. Jake- I hope you have felt the enormous amount of love we have for you! Happy Birthday little man!
I was "tagged" and thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing about the year 1998! I thought I would include some pictures that go along with my first "tag of FIVES". I hope you enjoy it, I definitely did!
Five things I was doing ten years ago (1998):
1. Still in High School! Thinking it would NEVER END!
2. Waking up too early for morning seminary!
3. Moved to
Dad, Mom, Me and Liz in Palmyra
5. Becoming best friends with Cara Gilbert.
Five things I have to do today:
1. Attend a Primary presidency meeting.
2. Clean the Bathrooms.
3. Do a lesson for my online BYU Independent Study cooking class.
4. Continue trying to potty-train my mischievous little red-head!
5. Plan Sharing Time for Sunday.
Five Snacks I Love:
1. Rice Krispy Treats
2. Chocolate covered RK Treats
3. Candy
4. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
5. Gum (Yes, I love sugar!)
Five Things I'd Do If I Were A Millionaire:
1. Buy a beautifully decorated home!
2. Fly my mom out to watch my kids while Dan and I go on an exotic vacation!
3. Buy a Christmas Tree Farm
4. Go visit all of my siblings!
5. Put the rest into SAVINGS!!!
Five Places I've Lived:
Five Jobs I've Had:
1. BYU International Admissions
2. Counselor
3. Cook
4. Teacher
5. Maid
Five People I Tag:
1. Marianne Gessel
2. Karen Rich
3. Allison Breinholt
4. Annie Jenkins
5. Celeste Goodson